To create Fee structure :
1. Go to opencompas erp, Login with your Id ,Password.
2. Go to "Fee Module" as shown below.
3 After that you need to click in Transaction menu
4. There is an option of Create Fees Structure(All) click on this option as shown below image.
5. Go to Edit mode option as shown below image after that you need to click on "Add New" Enter name of Group Ledger Name.
6. After that Select Class, Category,Student type,Session Which you want create fees structure.
7. Then you have to select fee head, for this you have to check in check box, then fill amount, Select the mode of fee head then fill the date which you want to receive.
8. As you can see below image there is also one more option IS REFUNDABLE and FINE APPLICABLE if the both is needed then you have to check in the box.
9. After fill the all fields you have click on add button.